Saturday, October 6, 2018

Martin Dressler: Historia de un sonador americano / The Tale of an American Dreamer libro Steven Millhauser epub

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In late 19th-century New York, large shop windows multiply and awaken the imaginations of pedestrians, advertising becomes more sophisticated, and it seems as though electric lighting and the telephone are here to stay. Such a setting makes it seem as though any dream can come true, and Martin Dressler is willing to dream. His meteoric career begins in his father s tobacco shop, but at 22 years old he decides to start his own businesses: a restaurant chain followed by a hotel chain. The success of his businesses doesn t reduce his ambitions, and instead his projects become more and more visionary and his engagement in them becomes ever greater. But at the same time, his success begins to progressively isolate him from his family and all that surrounds him. His trajectory reflects many of the changes that came about in New York in the early 20th century changes that were in large part driven by dreamers like him.En Nueva York a finales del siglo XIX los grandes escaparates se multiplican y despiertan la imaginacion de los transeuntes, la publicidad comienza a sofisticarse y parece que la iluminacion electrica y el telefono terminaran por imponerse. En un escenario asi parece que.
Martin Dressler: Historia de un sonador americano / The Tale of an American Dreamer novela
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